
The National parks

National parks

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Gambella National PARK

Gambella National PARK

The Gambella National Park was created for the numerous larger wildlife species representative of the neighboring Sudan, particularly Nile Lechewe, White-eard Kob and White-headed stork; in addition to extensive areas of swamp habitat.

Location: the park is situated in Gambella region, some 800km West of Addis Ababa at the coordinate between N8000’ and E34015’. The altitude of the park ranges between 400-768 asl. It is located close to the Sudan border.

Rainy season: the area receives greatest amount of rainfall that averages about 1,400mm per year. The rainy season tends from April to October. The main dry season is November to March.

Temperature: the highest temperatures are 36-400c in November to March.

Ecological zone: west Ethiopia

Vegetation type: Savanna characteristics predominantly swamp deciduous woodland and riparian formations.

Major wildlife species: include Roan Antelope, White_eard Kob, Nile Lechwe,, Topi, Buffalo, Elephant, Lelwel Hartebeest, Waterbuck, Giraffe, Hippopotamus, Crocodile, Lion and Leopard.

Major physical/geological features: extensiv swamps and wetlands

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